What Does God Expect of Us?

What Does God Expect of Us?The book of Revelation, the unveiling of the things that are and the things that are to come, contains wisdom and instruction in addition to revealing mysteries and imparting prophecy. In particular, chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation give us the most important illustration of how Jesus brings all of these objectives together.

For, here Jesus gives wisdom of correct and incorrect conduct, instruction in actions to take and forsake, reveals the mystery regarding the spiritual architecture of his presence within the church, and imparts his prophesies on how all of His word is for all churches then and now.

Indeed, we receive in these chapters insight into Christ’s view of the church. And, just as Jesus wrote to the churches that were in existence then, so he was also writing to us – the church that exists today.

Therefore, His letters are prophetic in that they remain true throughout the time of the church. Our responsibility, then, is to discern Christ’s expectation of us and to respond according to his desires for us.

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