Can We Hear From God?

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”

CAN WE HEAR FROM GOD?Several passages in Scripture tell us to be sober-minded, to think clearly on the instruction we receive from His word. God appeals to our ear to hear Him. We should listen carefully and use our faculty of reason to heed His voice, to wisely consider His word. In all the churches to which Jesus wrote, it is possible for us to see elements of ourselves reflected in them.

So then, we have in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, a glimpse of how Jesus sees us, collectively and individually as the church.  Each church is given a report by Jesus as to their current state.  He commends those who are remaining faithful to His word, and admonishes those who are failing.

Since each letter reflects us as the current church, this should serve as a considerable warning to us.

For, we are to remember how we received and heard the Gospel; we should recognize false teachers and false doctrine; we must hate the works of evil; and, we can never forget our first love. In all these things, we know that we need Jesus, and that we as the church can do nothing of any value without him.  Though we have little strength, we can still keep His word by taking captive every thought, and bring it in line with Christ’s instruction.

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